Approved Outside Agency by Czech NANDTB as Examination Body to perform NDT qualification activity.
The European standard EN4179 (as equivalent to NAS410) specifies a basic requirements for the qualification and approving process of NDT personnel in the area of aerospace industry (production and maintenance).
The qualification of NDT personnel according to EN4179 is based on Commission Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 of 26 November 2014 – Continuing Airworthiness, which addresses the operation principles of organizations authorized to aircraft maintanance.
ATG Prague is approved Co. by the NANDTB as Outside Agency for RT, UT, MT, PT, VT, ET and LT methods.
Based on this approval, the Outside Agency ATG Prague is authorized to carry out the qualification and certification of NDT personnel, to create the relevant legislation, conduct the audits and ensure activity as the “supervisory agency of NDT LIII personnel”.
1 Comment
Congratulations for well passed re-certification audit of the Outside Agency.