Czech NANDTB Members

Czech NANDTB – members of the Board

The first Board members have been nominated and then approved by the President of AAM. The Board members that represent the industry shall be qualified as NDT Level 3. The structure of the Czech NANDTB has been decided to cover following areas:

  1. production of structural parts for the aerospace industry
  2. production of aircraft engines
  3. production of aircraft supported engines and loading apparatuses
  4. airlines as users of the qualification system
  5. Czech aerospace research institute
  6. national Civil Aviation Authority
  7. NDT qualification agency for the aerospace industry

Following persons are nominated and affiliated as the Board members:

Members of the Board have created and supervised the leading procedures of the approval process according to EN 4179/NAS 410.

List of Prime contractors participating in the Czech NANDTB:

  • AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE, a.s.
  • GE Aviation Czech, s.r.o.
  • LATECOERE Czech Republic s.r.o.
  • PBS Velka Bites, a.s. (První Brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, a.s.)